Public Notices
*Click on the bid reference number for all of the information related to the RFB.
Bid Reference Number: RFB 23ESD11A
Project Title: Bastrop County ESD#2 Fire Station Remodel Project
Location: 120 Corporate Dr., Bastrop, TX 78602
Bid Closing Date: 2:00 P.M. (CST), January 09, 2024
Information on the Departments new ISO Rating as of 11-01-2021 - ISO REPORT
Emergency Services District No.2 Election
Emergency Services District No.2 (ESD 2) will have the following proposition on the May 7, 2022, election ballot:
PROPOSITION A: The adoption of a local sales and use tax in Bastrop County Emergency Services District No.2 at the rate of one and one-half (1.5%) percent.
Purchases made in the City of Bastrop have a sales tax of 8.25% while purchases made in the ESD 2 District currently have a sales tax of 6.75%. The 1.5% increase (to 8.25%) in sales tax in the ESD 2 District will allow the traveling public (who eat at restaurants, shop at stores, and purchase gasoline at gas stations in the district) to contribute funding to ESD 2's operations.
If the proposition passes, the ESD 2 Board Plans to do the following:
- Reduce the property tax rate from the maximum property tax rate by 1.5 cents/ $100 of property value in the next tax year.
- Establish a fire station in the south part of the District and then fully staff the station 24/7.
- Implement a Community Wildfire Protection Plan to educate and help district residents create defensible space around their homes to improve protection from wildfires.